What is Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is hosting the applications in mutiple server to balance the load and up time. Earlier the applications are hosted in just one server so when it fails for whatso ever reason it is hectic and it takes time to make the server active. In cloud server we have the below advantages

  • Flexible Pricing Structure. ...
  • Very Easy to Scale Server Resources. ...
  • Redundant Server Environment. ...
  • High Uptime and Availability. ...
  • Speedy Server Setup Process. ...
  • Safety From Server Hardware Issues. ...
  • Faster Website Speed and Performance.

Dedicated Server

Dedicated server is a hosting server given to a single customer so that he can have full control of it features.

Who should use Dediicated server hosting ?

If you run  multiple applications of high expectancy and traffic then you need a dedicated server. It provides more security and reliability.


  • You can expect a fullest resources of that server
  • High security
  • High reliability and performance
  • No pverheads of purchasing equipment


VPS Server Hosting

VPS is Virtual Private Server which is very popular and mostly used these days , the technology used is virtualisation where it provides dedicated server in a smaller scale.

Who should use VPS Server Hosting?

If you run a  medium or powerful applications on a limited scale you can go for VPS. High traffic websites with less cost compared to dedicated server.


  • Faster loading times
  • Has more advantages than a shared server where you get a control of the server as a dedicated one.
  • Scalable and high performance

Email Hosting Server

Emails are very sensitive information that needs a server, we have various email servers to cater user needs.

We have a minimum package of 5 email and the storage is scalable which can be increased according to user's request.

Other than we have below services too

  • Wordpress Hosting,
  • Gsuite integration
  • Email Migration from outlook to gsuite


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